The following diagrams show the historical evolution of ionizing radiation in the environment, and its potential growth trends for the future. It’s growth can increase and become a biological threat for the correct development of life, beacause increased ionizing radiation has a direct link to cell aging and cell metabolic disorders.
Ionizing radiation has become increasingly high worldwide, due to the presence in the environment of artificial radioisotopes. Since the second half of the 20th century the presence of the artificial or synthetic radioisotopes in the environment has experience an unprecedented growth. The Nobel Laureate, Irene Curie, was together with her husband Frederic Joliot, the discoverers of artificial radioactivity in 1934.
Natural background radiation incorpores the presence of this new artificial radioisotopes and Ionizing radiation grows more or less evenly in all the planet. It is noticeable that the new proposed geological era called Anthropocene, has most commonly being scientifically argued by the initial appearance of artificial radioactive isotopes in stones worldwide.
This new natural background which our grandparents and grand grandparents didn’t had to experience, is a new technological challenge that needs our brightest minds and research capital to minimice its future growth impact.
Ionizing radiation growth represents a significant risk, that is much higher in young generations that are unable to vote, and certainly it sums up to the intergenerational environmental debt generated for future generations.